Your Local Girl Friday - Profile

Your Local Girl Friday
Forum titleForum Member
JoinedOct 2017
Latest activity 20th Dec 2018 4:56pm  

Your Local Girl Friday Bio
Ready to offer assistance in the workplace, when you need an extra pair of hands.

Recent Posts
Google Posts 13th December 2018 4:56 PM

Hi All

I am not sure how many of you already know about/are taking advantage of Google Posts, but I have recently discovered how useful they can be!

Within your Google local panel that appears on the right hand side of a Google search result,  you can add a 'post'. This can be anything from an advert for a product, an event, a link to a blog, a link to your web page... anything really.

All you need to do is go into your Google My Business account (if you haven't got one, you can sign up really easily) and add a post. It will then appear on your local panel towards the bottom and will last for a week, before you get a notification from Google that it is about to expire so you can update it or post a new one!

A really useful little tool to give something you want to promote a little bit of oomph. 

What would we do without you TeacherRob?!

Thanks for the info - there's nothing worse than being ill at Christmas so hopefully with your advice and a bit of common sense, we can all have a bug free Christmas!


Preventing Arson 29th November 2018 5:03 PM

Just get an extinguisher because if it never gets used then, yay. Better to have one rather than look back and wish you'd had one.

Hotel Chocolat are completely ace, and they are definitely a company I would recommend. I ordered some chocs on Wednesday night and they turned up on Thursday morning. Plus my cat decided that the box was his new favourite bed, so he was well chuffed.


Ha ha ha! I bet that was the work of a Facebook Developer who thought 'hmmm let's add this in and see if anyone notices...'

New functionality - your forum bio 29th November 2018 4:46 PM

What a useful tool. Thanks Steve!

Ha ha ha! Maybe the Queen has a part-time job?

Will the next generation disconnect? 29th November 2018 4:30 PM

Ha ha I love this! Micro-chipping staff! What next? I really can't believe that people are agreeing to it. 

You are so right Steve - if Politicians stopped stabbing each other in the back and actually joined forces, we might get somewhere.

I nearly had heart failure the other day when they said that the deal TM had put together was 'approved in seconds'. NOT GOOD.  

Black Friday & Cyber Monday 27th November 2018 4:41 PM

I saw an advert the other day for 'Black Friday Week'  
