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By Steve.Richardson : Administrator
Published 5th December 2016 | Last comment 9th March 2017

Its just for security reasons Barney, that's all

Decided to dump Microsoft and windows 10 and treat myself to a new Apple 27inch iMac in the end and pleased to report everything now looks normal, everything works with my iPad and iPhone and my computer life is a dream at present......

But, since the upgrade we are now automatically logged out rather than staying logged in... is this for a reason? Its not really important just a query really....



Thanks, Rachael Kennedy
MLS Marketing Team


So you have turned to the darkside...

But, since the upgrade we are now automatically logged out rather than staying logged in... is this for a reason? Its not really important just a query really....

I can't remember what the time out is, but your browser session is auto set to log you out, always was, even with the old site. But with windows browsers you normally have the option to "save password" so in effect you remain permanently logged in if the browser has saved your username and password.

No idea how it works in the land of apple, I know I deliberately don't save any passwords on my iphone in case I Iose it. But I imagine you can save passwords on Apple browsers. 

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

lol yeah it is rather annoying to be logged out all the time 

Andy-C | Pewter World

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