Poppy Scam - a new low?

By : Administrator
Published 26th October 2018 |
Read latest comment - 30th October 2018

Sometime you wonder how low some people will go 

If you are one of the millions that give your support to the annual poppy appeal, then be aware of any fake merchandising. The Intellectual Property Office and The Royal British Legion have teamed up to bring awareness to the scam. Buying counterfeited Remembrance Day items means  the charity loses out from any donation, whilst you will have substandard and fake merchandise.

Make sure you buy any products from official Royal British Legion sources.

Here is the official release from the IPO: British public urged to be aware of poppy merchandise scams

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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Sorry but these people need to be lined up and shot military style.

My Father almost gave his life on D Day as a under age soldier. He then went on to help those that couldn't for the rest of this life ..Makes my blood boil

Andy-C | Pewter World

I wish I could say it's surprising but it's not. Depressing though.

I have already witnessed some very heated arguments about what colour poppy people wear. My grandad's brother died in the first world war and my grandparents were both involved in the second. I visited the battlefields and war graves as part of my history GSCE and I think everyone should have to. We may live in crazy times politically but we're so privileged thanks to the millions who died in those wars. Lest we forget. 

 have already witnessed some very heated arguments about what colour poppy people wear.  

People just love to moan or make idealistic or political points, especially on social media 

It's simply an act of remembrance and respect, how people choose to do it is up to them as long as they do it. Buying RBL poppies and merchandise obviously directly benefits veterans. I take the kids every year to our local war memorial service, then we exit stage right before the procession goes back to the church to finish off. But church, synagogue, mosque or raising a glass of beer in the pub, it's all the same, respect.

Watching people rant about how offensive they find it miss the irony of who those gave so much to preserve their right to whinge  But those who deliberately profit from this as a scam deserve to lose their right of citizenship IMHO.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

For once you and I totally agree Steve! 

For once you and I totally agree Steve! 

Blimey  Left and Right unite

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

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