How Do I Monitor My Website Progress?

By : Growing Business
Published 31st January 2011 |
Read latest comment - 30th October 2012

How do I monitor my Website progress? Let's suppose if there's no Google Analytics, how do you do it?

Have you got access to your hosting control panel? You should be able to view your stats from within there.


Google Analytics is free, so no contest, you'll stuggle to find another comprehensive stats package for no cost.

Alternately you can view your server logs, as most shared hosting packages give you some crude server logs. But remember before you get too excited, that those 5 million hits are pointless, and just concentrate on visits

Plus server logs tend to capture all traffic including spiders.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Have to agree - Google Analytics is by far the best and its FREE


Yes, Google Analytics - it wins hands down.

Just to boost what people have said I would advise going with Google it is the best tool around.


There are many tool Available help you to track website accept Google analytic tool.

1 AWStats
2 eLogic
3 ShinyStat
4 SiteMeter
5 StatCounter
6 Alexa


forum avatarfatburners
20th February 2011 2:27 AM
google analytic is the best tool and free
with google analytic you can have every data like where you are for some keyword ! i can find my 20 keyword how changing from page 4to page 2 and 1 !

forum avatarkiranraj
20th July 2011 1:09 PM
Yes, You can check your website traffic, visitors & hits with the help of Gooogle Analytics. Add Analytic code in your website & moniterize your websites performance...


How about the number of sales or enquiries you get?

For me I would rather have 10 enquiries from 100 visitors than 9 from 100,000.


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