Google is not the leader everywhere...

By mrb : Forum Member
Published 4th May 2011 | Last comment 15th July 2011
Perhaps if I can get my website ranked on Baidu I will have people coming to me from China for acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. That would be awesome.

tmichaelchen is the leader in Russia much bigger than Google over there.


forum avatarAlice
30th June 2011 11:06 AM is the leader in Russia much bigger than Google over there.

Yes, you are right. But even in Russia most people use

forum avatarJessicaS
14th July 2011 12:23 PM
google is everywhere just except china

I am not agreeing with your views. Different people use their logic to use the internet, social networking sites, search engines and so on. It all depends on personal interest.

Baidu have just signed a deal with MSFT...



Baidu have just signed a deal with MSFT...


Hmm good point:
BBC News - Baidu and Microsoft tie-up for English search in China

"Baidu receives about 10 million search queries in English a day" which it will now send to Bing.

It will certainly be a shot in the arm for Bing. Plus if you launch an English Language site, maybe it will make optimising a bit easier, rather than working out how Baidus algorithm works?

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