“By content marketing, you mean on site, blogs, articles forums etc?
Here's what I have in mind with content marketing:
For content marketing to work for you, and be one of your best long-term (forgot to add the "long-term" in my post above) marketing/advertising strategy, you first need to identify a "hungry" audience and then have a product/service that will "feed" them, meaning give your customers/clients what they want/need...
Then you use content marketing to gain trust with your clients/customers, and educate them how your product/service can help them solve their problems/make their life or business easier.
So, the main reason why I believe content marketing is one of the best (core) marketing strategy out there is because it adds tremendous value to your business in the long term. You gain trust, reputation, branding, etc...And the best part about is: Your (potential) customers/clients gain as well!
Then the rest is just a vehicle that will get your (marketing) message across to your target audience. A couple of examples of such vehicles would be:
- Google,
- Direct mail,
- Webinars,
- Seminars,
- Industry events,
- Catalogs,
- Kindle ebooks,
- Press releases,
- Podcasts,
- PDF reports,
- Whatever
As you can see, there is no need to limit yourself just to search engines (like google) to explore the power of this strategy...
Yes, ofcourse, you'll want to first publish all that content on your site/blog, so you can get free traffic from search engines as well (as you know, they love good, unique content as well, just like your customers/clients do), but then you can go one step (or ten steps) further and spread your useful content through other available marketing channels I've mentioned above as well, for even (much) better results!
“This is obviously holy grail stuff, ie organic targeted traffic, but there's a good place for PPC, especially if you have a well tuned campaign. As long as PPC is bringing in conversions, and you are happy with the conversion rate, then use it as a tool alongside other marketing.
The beauty of PPC is instant targeted marketing. It's also a good way to test a set of keywords against content, making sure any required effort/cost is viable before embarking on longterm organic SEO.
Jut my 5 cents worth
When you have an unlimited/big budget, it is necessary for you to use all the available channels available, and fine tune your (PPC) campaigns (just like you suggest), but the original poster has "a small advertising budget" which means he can easily blow his budget on PPC if he has never done it before.
And that is why I suggested to rather invest his budget into content (marketing) and add value to his business, rather than just start a PPC campaign and hope it will convert.
Nonetheless, thanks for your 5 cents though! : )