Have some adverts had their day?

By : Administrator
Published 2nd May 2012 |
Read latest comment - 19th June 2013

Obviously we all know displaying adverts on your site is a lucrative business, but I'm surprised you still see some of the corny 1990's vintage shaking adverts still doing the rounds.


Do people really click on these adverts? I suppose they must to still be used.

Popups has to be another, remember those? Most browsers have long blocked them by default, but they are still out there.

Maybe we will see a future google penalty for displaying ropey ads? Hmm on second thoughts...

Anyone else spot any adds which should be consigned to the archives?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn
I have a general dislike for all banner type advertising I just find it annoying. Although I understand why sites such as this have it, but when I come on here, I come on here to read the posts, not to go shopping. If I want something in particular I will go and Google it. Another thing I find annoying is when you visit a particular shopping site, say for example Screwfix or John Lewis once you have left their site you will get their product adverts all day long till you disable it. Obviously I'm in the minority on this, but I'm sure there must be others who think likewise....
And as for those flashing pop up adverts, do people actually believe they've won something for nothing?


I can believe that some might use them, I mean webmasters would not use these if they didn't work in some form. For me though, they kinda put me off a site entirely. And then when you close you get that "WAIT" pop up. It kindly asks you to click cancel because there is something else they want you to look at. Thats usually when I make my escape.

Somehow, and I think it might even be some sort of malfunction on my part, but I feel that sites that use those tactics are only there to cold sell and try get you to buy things you don't want or need. So when I see a site like that, I'm out faster than it took my browser to load the page.


I have a general dislike for all banner type advertising I just find it annoying. Although I understand why sites such as this have it...

agree totally, that's why all the adsense disappears (or it should!) for any members that have over 10 posts. But newbies or visitors that click the ads pays for the running cost of the forum and keeps it free. We do have 3 small banners, but they are at the very bottom of the site, and hopefully non intrusive. It does get tiring when you visit forums and they are riddled in adverts.

Another thing I find annoying is when you visit a particular shopping site, say for example Screwfix or John Lewis once you have left their site you will get their product adverts all day long till you disable it...

Bloody contextual advertising. First time I noticed it was James Caan from Dragons Den, he seemed to appear on every site I went to, thought he was personally stalking me!

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Not spotted this but generally not a big fan of new window pops up even for geniune sites (online banking login etc); rather just have a new tab come up.

Do agree with not liking ads following on every site you visit once you've looked a particular product or service though do understand the reason behind it.

Accounting Help

forum avatarJackD
30th October 2012 11:12 AM
Honestly I think popups, automated adverts and redirect pages are annoying especially when you have a deadline of work or you are in the middle of something important!


Bloody contextual advertising. First time I noticed it was James Caan from Dragons Den, he seemed to appear on every site I went to, thought he was personally stalking me!

LOL - ...I remember that one and I thought it was me he was stalking!!

Web browsers are a lot better now at natively stopping popups. I remember stuff like pop-up blocker and the "net send" messages that would appear on Windows NT.


For sure like everything something new comes along and changes the way in which things work. I love your reference to that old image as if you would look at that now you'd probably get laughed at. The only thing that gets my attention these days is the word FREE.


I hate the popups which invite you to "Visit our dodgy website" click "YES" or click "NO" close this window, You constantly click "NO" before trying the "X" at the top right hand corner, but the bloody thing refuses to close because the "YES" button is the only one that works.

I usually end up closing my browser and logging on again to get rid of the bloody thing.


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