Paper thin, bendable iPad? - 'tis in the pipelines already.

By : Forum Moderator
Published 10th January 2013 |
Read latest comment - 11th January 2013

A revolutionary new tablet screen the thickness of a sheet of paper that can be twisted and dropped without damage has been revealed.
Developed by Queen

I would prefer it if they remained as they are now but made them bounce when the kids dropped them.

Yes the next few years will be very interesting technology wise.


If that is anything to go by, its going to be a great time for tech indeed. lol I know the feeling though, I get nervous when someone picks up my iPhone.


If that is anything to go by, its going to be a great time for tech indeed. lol I know the feeling though, I get nervous when someone picks up my iPhone.

Haha I know that feeling Dreamraven. Its becoming extremly hard to keep up with the technology.


I think it's amazing

Certainly all sorts of potential apps. No doubt in years to come my kids will scoff at pictures of the antiquated flatscreen in the same we used to moan at the footprint of the good old CRT monitors

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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