himynameisjohn - ProfileMyGuestBlog.com is quite a good way to reach out for active bloggers, all nicely categorised!
Also recommend bloggerlinkup.com, but you get quite a few (majority) low qual sites.
From my business website, I like to reach out to other business websites that have blogs, that are not in the same industry, but industries that could see worth.
For example, if you had a teleconferencing company + website/blog, I'd reach out to Green related businesses asking to write a piece about how conference calling saves money and the environment. If you have a Facebook page, I'd also recommend getting the Pinterest for FB app - good way of cross pollination of traffic. Twitter, in recent months, has started allowing small business owners to self-serve ads on the social network, but once I went through the process, I found out I needed a US address. GRRR! Thanks Twitter for sending me that email, even though my details are blatantly set as UK!
Anyway, can't wait to give it ago when it's FINALLY rolled out in the UK. Get a half good lead generation form to add to your FB page - sometimes this is more effective than redirecting to a web page to capture lead.
Also, if you drop Facebook sales team an email and tell them your situation - they'll more than likely give you a voucher code to have Other than the already suggested usual suspects, londinium.com is free and it does bring traffic to my site - so I see value in that one. I mod several sections on dMoz. If anyone needs any sport related websites adding, PM me. I'll either be able to do it myself, or be able to get you in to another section quite quick.
But... I tend to agree, I think dMoz is just a big white elephant these days.
One thing I would say; for those finding it seems to take a long time until you get your site in, if at all, it could well be because:
a) No mod for that section
b) You've tried to sell the site, withing the text/description
c) Just not clearly read the guidelines
e) Spelling!
f) WRONG category - if you categories wrongly, it gets passed from one mod to another (if they can be bothered - but I've seen mods, in the mods forums note that they've DELETED rather than move just purely because they didn't know they could do this. Quality over quantity. One of my clients was recently featured on TechCrunch (an authority website) - no only did we get a huge amount of referring traffic to his site, but Google also upt ALL of his major keywords, pretty much instantly.
These organic rankings then slowly died off, but with other PR activities, it helps to keep building a buffer, while long-term, the organic traffic continues an upward spiral. Agreed, this is fantastic. Also, for large eCommerce websites, I like this method as well as you can keep an eye on pesky tech team updates to site that has created an impact of some sorts. From personal experience, Adwords is fantastic - as people have already mentioned; keep hold of your budget, but more importantly for me, I'd say track your results. If you are lead generation, or selling online - you need to understand what keywords are bringing the traffic and more importantly - which keywords convert.
If you get keywords that convert well, it's no longer about research or using short term - it's about ROI and get rid of expense. Not a bricks and mortar business, but new startups always scream out for designers for a logo, etc. I've used 99designs.co.uk a couple of times now and I just love the way it works.
You upload your spec to 99Designs.co.uk and this then becomes a 'competition' with a pot of gold you've put to one side for the winner. I really LOVE this way of finding new designs as you're not bolted down to 1 designer or 1 design agency to come up with design ideas - you can get 50+ different ideas!