How can I generate leads through my Facebook Fan Page

By : Business Start Up
Published 31st May 2012 |
Read latest comment - 25th October 2012

Hello all, I am new to Network Marketing and I'm barely learning the ins and outs of it. I just started a FB business fan page, I only have a about 70 likes so far on my page, but it only has been mostly family and friends. I haven't even began to target my market. My question is: What is the best way to generate leads and get traffic to my FB fan page? Any information would be helpful. Thanks!

The Ranis Network
forum avatarMagento
6th June 2012 10:21 AM
Hello all, I am new to Network Marketing and I'm barely learning the ins and outs of it. I just started a FB business fan page, I only have a about 70 likes so far on my page, but it only has been mostly family and friends. I haven't even began to target my market. My question is: What is the best way to generate leads and get traffic to my FB fan page? Any information would be helpful. Thanks!

Hello dear very nice question, 1st you visit to FB and than search related Fan pages of your website, or Fan page. than try to post your URL on that pages e.g if you have a Page like Mafia Wars than go to the Mafia wars fans pages there are millions for daily users, try to post your Fan page URL there any where on Page using words " Like my page and write there some features of your website or Fan page" than you getting a Targeted likes from FB.. its a very slow work and took much time but after a 3 to 4 months you get your Fan page very strong and full with targeted peoples..

Hope it will work for you..


Hello dear very nice question, 1st you visit to FB and than search related Fan pages of your website, or Fan page. than try to post your URL on that pages e.g if you have a Page like Mafia Wars than go to the Mafia wars fans pages there are millions for daily users, try to post your Fan page URL there any where on Page using words " Like my page and write there some features of your website or Fan page" than you getting a Targeted likes from FB.. its a very slow work and took much time but after a 3 to 4 months you get your Fan page very strong and full with targeted peoples..

Hope it will work for you..

Posting url to others' fb fan page is spam I think. Rather we should take part in the discussion of the related fb fan pages, try to contribute, help people and they must like your page and talk of your business as they need it. Though it is slow process but it is quality work that deserves success.


Get a half good lead generation form to add to your FB page - sometimes this is more effective than redirecting to a web page to capture lead.

Also, if you drop Facebook sales team an email and tell them your situation - they'll more than likely give you a voucher code to have


I hate network marketing and MLM however don't let my disdain for it taint the information I'm about to give. Let's get one thing clear...It's a business and like any serious business . You will need to pay for advertising

You want to target users who like similar pages so other mlm pages, mlm guru pages, internet marketing, im gurus, entrepreneurial pages etc

What you want to do first is get your optin form integrated into your page. Next you need to either create a video or ebook and some a little sales copy to give visitors a reason to give your their information i.e " Debunked- The Top 5 Lies About Network Marketing" " Why Network Marketing Is The Easiest, Most Realistic Way To Make Money in 2012" After they have signed up to your email list, you should send a personable follow up series getting them to signup under you.

Now depending on how savvy your company is, you may want them to phone then hear a live presentation then call you personally.


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