What kind of backlinks work after panda and penguin?

By : Growing Business
Published 28th May 2012 |
Read latest comment - 13th June 2013

Can someone please tell me what kind of backlinks work after panda and penguin?

I hired a freelancer to build my some one way, do follow contextual backlinks and I hope i am not wrong.

Thank you for your opinion.

Jerry D

Amazing Gift Boxes
forum avatarwilliam04
26th June 2012 8:23 AM
Strategy of making backlinks must be organic and within niche of website.


I'm a carpet/window cleaner, could my signature below be doing more harm than good? Should I ditch it?

Harry Robins

I'm a carpet/window cleaner, could my signature below be doing more harm than good? Should I ditch it?

Business forums can be classed as a niche therefore relevant. Having relevant links in the post Panda/Penguin world are a must wherever you get them from.

Recent arguments have been volume of links (same anchor text) from the same domain, but I'm pretty much convinced now the dust has settled, that as always, google devalues/ignores any surplus links. eg blogs, page footers on websites, forums etc.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

There's a great video on this topic here:

senuke .com/blog/?p=308

Yes I know this video is from automated link building software creators but it contains some great points based on actual testing. I'm not going to type it all out - just watch it.


You should try to get natural links e.g links through article, Press-Release, blog, forum posting, bookmarking, free classifieds ads etc.


Hello Members,

A first class backlinks service (Link Builder).





Links should build slowly, not huge. Not using one keywords. There should be a variation in keywords. Whitehat is a must!!

Nathan Lynch

Can someone please tell me what kind of backlinks work after panda and penguin?

I hired a freelancer to build my some one way, do follow contextual backlinks and I hope i am not wrong.

Thank you for your opinion.

Jerry D

Hi Jerry,

The simple answer - natural ones.

The focus should be on offering something of value, something that will grab some attention and be useful enough for someone else to want to link to.

A natural link profile WOULD NOT just include one way, do follow links.

A natural link profile WOULD include do follow links, no follow links, paid directory submission, free directory submission, blog comments, contextual links form good content, links derived from guest posting, links derived from natural social activities, links derived from lots of other methods.

The point here is a natural profile is one that is not manipulated, its one that happens naturally by doing the right things that benefit your site and most importantly your audience.

Paul Myers

Only quality backlinks can help you to have great PR.Google's first priority is quality inbound links the more inbound links a site have,the more high PR is given


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