Chrome overtakes IE globally

By Remotetechs : Forum Member
Published 2nd July 2012 | Last comment 10th March 2014
For me it is always IE that creates problems in the design process, meaning you have to go in and correct the css code just to make things work ok for that one damn browser. I personally would like to see that back of it altogether.

Whenever we have a reported bug on the site, it's normally some combination of an older windows and IE version to blame.

Unfortunately regardless how better IE has got over the years, we still get plenty of users using really old IE versions. IE6 is the bain of our life, and the sooner that is consigned to history the better! Unfortunately I don't think that will happen anytime soon!

In the last 30 days we have had 940 visitors using IE6, 3,670 using IE7 and 22,975 using IE8. But my favourite, 1 visitor using IE5 !!!!!!

Come on everyone, time to upgrade and make our lives easier

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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