Chrome overtakes IE globally

By Remotetechs : Forum Member
Published 2nd July 2012 | Last comment 10th March 2014
i briefly tried IE8, hoping it would have improved but deleted it the same day from my machine. It seemed to run like a slug and like you said, some sites had errors.

The last version I used was IE9. I had to do some software testing on it, and to be honest I was glad to be done with it. I know some companies still use it as a requirement, but in all honesty, I can't see how they can work with something like that. It takes an age to load, everything loads "with errors", and it gets really annoying most times.


Have a look at the Opera web browser.


I had fun using opera. The turbo mode is awesome (if the newer versions still have it). Safari is ok, but when my Firefox was giving me problems, I tried all sorts of other browsers that were similar to Firefox, and in the end went back when I realized that an update sorted it all out.


I have always been happy with Safari, does exactly what it says on the tin from my perspective.


IE has always tended to be big with business due to the ability to easily alter its settings by group policy and deploy updates through WSUS (Windows Software Update Services). Having deployed browsers for a very large organisation, the amount of testing required, particularly for corporate apps that used plugins and ActiveX components was massive which was why IE was the browser of choice.


Used to be a big Chrome fan but now moved over to Firefox.
Chrome works great on my Android phone but Firefox appears to be way more reliable on my PC.
Sorry Chrome...


I use chrome, just because it's fast and light. I also have a couple of devices, so being able to bookmark something on one device and have it their on the other is very handy. I also use gmail pretty heavily. And a Google wallet. I think it's safe to say Google have their hooks in me.

(God only knows what they are doing with me information)


Google chrome has very simple design and you can add-on plug-in easily, this is very convenient for programmers and technicians. So this is a trend.


IE isn't nearly as bad as it used to be if i'm honest.

IE 10 is pretty fast and smooth, and seems to consume less RAM than chrome, which can be a severe Ram hog. Only time i used safari (on windows, havent really used a mac) i removed it after 2 minutes. it was slow. very slow. firefox 4 (i think?) was pretty slow too. opera was a suprise. last version i used was 11 and that was pretty decent.

but on the whole, i prefer chrome most of all, regardless of its memory footprint.

CD2 Solutions

I only use Chrome to check cross browser compatibility of the websites I make.

For me it is always IE that creates problems in the design process, meaning you have to go in and correct the css code just to make things work ok for that one damn browser. I personally would like to see that back of it altogether.

Firefox is my work horse. With all the great addons you can get for Firefox it is a web designer's choice browser.

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