Paul Myers : SEO bore 5th September 2012 8:46 AM |
“Pagerank is a measure of authority that an individual web page has. If a page has a rank of say, 5 or 6 then you guarantee that there are some pretty heavy duty URLs linking to it. Those URLs are in turn are passing their authority to the other page.
A link from a page with PR 4 is always going to be worth way more than a PR 1 link but if that page has been spammed to death (a blog post for example) then you might as well ignore it. The keys to post penguin link building are diversity, contextuality, variation and low out bound links.”
A link from a page with PR 4 is always going to be worth way more than a PR 1 link but if that page has been spammed to death (a blog post for example) then you might as well ignore it. The keys to post penguin link building are diversity, contextuality, variation and low out bound links.”
I think the point here is that we have suggested PR is not a good measure to use to gauge a sites authority, as its at any point, 90 - 120 days out of date.
So, who is to say that your pr6 site today isn't in reality a pr1 after being bashed by panda et al and vise-versa?
There are simply better, more regularly updated measures to look into. And focusing on PR has been shown to do nothing for your actual rankings, which is why you can see a PR1 site in 1st place, and a pr5 on the 3rd page (assuming those measures are up to date!). Its just too uncertain to bother focusing your efforts on.
Paul Myers