What to do if your thread goes unanswered

By : Growing Business
Published 1st January 2013 |
Read latest comment - 27th September 2013

I have come across a good number of 'bumped' threads in the last few days. This makes me want to know from you guys how to get your thread answered in a right manner which is not against the laid down SEO Chat rules.

hmmmm not too sure about SEO Chat Rules, but generally when a thread goes unanswered for a while, its because its either not really of much interest to members, or there is no one that can help at that specific time.

About thread bumps, a lot of the time its just a member seeing the post and answering without really noticing the date the thread was created, and then you also get those that enjoy bumping threads to fluff out their post count.


Definitely a Bump will do . Also always check the thread you created.


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