Duncan Bannatyne - revelations and lack of cash!

By : Administrator
Published 29th April 2014 |
Read latest comment - 12th September 2014

Fascinating article from The Telegraph

I always wondered why Duncan never seemed to be overly keen on investing on Dragons Den in recent times, and used to joke with the missus he was probably broke after his divorce settlement.

Well it seems it wasn't a joke! Apparently after shelling out £4m on a divorce, he was forced to live on credit cards, and currently lives on £2k a month. He confesses that it may mean he isn't asked to do another series of Dragons Den, and is amazingly honest about his business empire and slump in fortunes.

He does come over as a stereotypical tight jock on the telly, but after reading the telegraph article, I've got nothing but respect for him.

Just goes to show it's not all about fast cars, jets and obscene wealth. Most entrepreneurs have a very bumpy roller coaster journey, but consistent running ingredient seems to be determination when all the cards are stacked against them.   

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

That's probably a statement to keep the tax man at bay lol


I don't believe shrewd people have nothing put away for a rainy day and certainly not Duncan of all people. He is one sharp tool.


 Did you dig deep for that on my behalf Steve? Lol

Just goes to prove you really don't know what goes on behind closed doors

He is one sharp tool.”


Until it comes to the ladies it seems 

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Wonder if we will see another dragon buy him out?


I'd rather see Deborah Meaden bought out! She is the most annoying woman ever! She never invests on her own....rant over.



Of course hes broke 


It's the shame he is not going to be in the Dragon's Den again. This TV show is really great opportunity for the start-ups and it shows how entrepreneurial and innovative our nation is!


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It's the shame he is not going to be in the Dragon's Den again. This TV show is really great opportunity for the start-ups and it shows how entrepreneurial and innovative our nation is!



Must admit i miss Theo, but as Pubby says they all seem to tie in with each other now, think Duncan did invest in one person last series on his own but he's not the prolific investor that he used to be, infact none of them are - maybe its had its day? 


Hmm don't get rid of Peter Jones though he's good eye candy.


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