Rate the last movie you saw

By : Forum Member
Published 9th May 2015 |
Read latest comment - 4th June 2015

We have a what are you listening thread. How about rate the last movie you saw. I'll start out with Avengers: Age of Ultron. Entertaining. Not sure if better than the last Avengers movie. Giving it a 8/10.


We've had a favourite films thread but not a rated movie.

Watched a classic last night with a mucker. Chilli, few beers and the Battle of Britain. Doesn't get any better than that 11/10 

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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Just watch the new mad max movie ,far fetched as usual but kept me interested for the full length of the movie, in some places got really far fetched when a usual they can't out run the enemy etc

Also watched Paddington Bear the movie and found it rather funny in places and well worth the watch + is put together nicely


Andy-C | Pewter World

Loved the new Mad Max movie. It was a very great thing that they hired the same director as the previous ones. It still had that apocalyptic Mad Max feel to it.


Also watched Paddington Bear the movie and found it rather funny in places and well worth the watch + is put together nicely”

I got dragged along to the cinema to see this with the kids, expecting an hour an half snooze, it was actually really good 

Quite fancy the Mad Max movie, so better than the original or worse? Did quite like Mel Gibson in it, so be interesting to see how it compares.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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I watched a movie on Sunday night; Shutter Island, what an amazing physiological thriller, Dicaprio acted his heart out! You need to watch it carefully throughout to work out how the ending is possible, 2.5hrs of great viewing, definitely recommend 

Many thanks
Wasab Hussain

I watched a movie on Sunday night; Shutter Island, what an amazing physiological thriller, Dicaprio acted his heart out!”

Not often he does a clunker,  normally going to be a good one if he's in it, shall have to check it out.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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I would say not as good as the other Mad Max's as it is a different person player Max ,but still worth a watch

Andy-C | Pewter World

Watched Pitch Perfect 2. Definitely not better than the first one, lots of cameos in this one. It also feels like a cash grab. Funniest people are still the casters. Lol.


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