February fear?

By : Forum Member
Published 1st February 2017 |
Read latest comment - 6th February 2017

Now that January 2017 has been and gone, we are now on to the next. No need to panic February is a fabulous month

Maybe you are now struggling with what to do next, you may feel like you only really prepared for January and now you are panicking wondering what to do next? There is honestly no need to panic, just keep up the good work; if you have struggled over January this is your time to evaluate and see why it hasn't been so good. It may be that you forget January and start afresh this month

'Where there is a will there's a way'

Keep going guys

Thanks, Rachael Kennedy
MLS Marketing Team

I need to restart as my maternity leave is ending and I need to get back into business thinking with two kids. Time to get organised. Let's not forget this month has Valentine's day and pancake day. Lots to look forward to....haha. 

Oh there's so much to look forward too! My birthday as well, so presents for both valentines day and that  

Don't think I have even mentioned it in the office, thought i'd keep it on the down low. Even though it is a big birthday 

Good luck with your business thinking... 

Thanks, Rachael Kennedy
MLS Marketing Team

I need to get back into business thinking with two kids. Time to get organised... ”

No comment  (couldn't resist)

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Now that January 2017 has been and gone, we are now on to the next. No need to panic February is a fabulous month

Keep going guys


I want to know where January went?  It passed me by in the blink of an eye!
Can only hope February is a little less manic, otherwise I'll begin to panic, life is speeding up  . . or maybe I'm just slowing down!!

I want to know where January went?  It passed me by in the blink of an eye!

I know what you mean, days and weeks seem to be flying by! Think I am definitely slowing down though 

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

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