Drayton's Downfall..

By : Forum Member
Published 10th May 2017 |
Read latest comment - 16th May 2017

Following the Smiler accident at Alton Towers you would think that the security of theme park rides would be at its highest and that they would take extra care in ensuring the safety of its passengers. Apparently not after the horrific events that took place at Drayton Manor yesterday afternoon.

The theme park's ride is explained to be 'a wild ride' and 'fast flowing'. This resulting in an 11 year old girl's death; after being flown to Birmingham's Children's hospital yesterday afternoon with 'serious injuries' Evha Jannath was shortly pronounced dead. 

Its terrible to think that a day trip for the young children was meant to be a fun and enjoyable day out and in fact has resulted in something much more serious and heartbreaking. 

The BBC reported :

Health and Safety lawyer Chris Green stated when asked for a comparison between the death of the pupil at Drayton Manor and the accident of the Smiler ride at Alton towers: 

“The Alton Towers scenario looked more perhaps as if something inevitably... hadn't worked on the day. This one may be rather different.”  

So who knows what this could mean for the family of the victim. 




Thanks, Rachael Kennedy
MLS Marketing Team

Very sad.  However media reports suggest that she stood up during the ride to change places with someone.   The official report will give the cause and any action that needs to be taken by Drayton Manor.  


I also heard that the child in  question stood up to change seats and I saw on facebook a lady said this happened to her son but luckily for her there were no other rafts in the area where it happened and a quick thinking member of the public jumped the fence and saved her son. If this has happened before why have they not put seatbelts of some description on the rafts to stop kids from standing up and getting knocked into the water. I'm pretty sure the parents will be asking the same question. so sad that this has had to happen for them to re evaluate their safety procedures. My deepest sympathy goes out to the family


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