The Forum SEO Challenge...

By sjr4x4 : Administrator
Published 4th November 2010 | Last comment 27th April 2011
I'm assuming your back from your honeymoon? Congratulations by the way

Yup, 5th spot seems to be our resting place. So basically what your saying is, your dumping us for paying clients...

I dunno dumped during xmas

I actually think having looked at some of the stats for the sites above that it would be possible to move up at least one more spot without very much trouble. However, to get into the top 3 will require a lot more work but again I think it would be possible to reach 3rd spot. But again this would require not only work but time as well. We did quite a bit of initial work so you never know, the site may still rise once we have stopped working on it (which happens quite often).

I hope we can work on this further soon but we really have had lots of work come through so have to prioritise.

I'll continue to keep an eye on it for you though and I hope the forum members found this thread interesting.

Innocent Advertising

forum avatarvictorladra
14th January 2011 1:52 PM
I am really struggling in the SEO, but I have a friend that is maintaining a blogsite, and have adsense on it. and he is earning $1200 per month, I always ask him how he do it. He just replied that keep on posting on you blog and post backlinks to forums, but be intelligent in posting. Sound very easy, but still I cant do it. Maybe you really need to wait, this is not a one night big bang theory, you really need to work on your blog, wait until you have enough backlinks, and maybe just maybe your blog will have a visitor of a minimum of 5000 per day.

forum avatarvictorladra
15th January 2011 11:58 AM
it is very nice to read that our forum is getting closer to the main page when you search for business forums, it just tells that the forum that we joined in is not just an ordinary forum, instead its doing its job, bring the best informations for the readers to read and learn about. thanks..

Excellent thread - very refreshing to see an open challenge for all to see be accepted. Top work and having just checked your now 4th in Google this evening for your chosen keywords

forum avatarsannu123
29th January 2011 11:52 AM
Well that is a good start and quite refreshing to see an SEO company prepared to try something like this, all too often they make spurious and outrageous claims without foundation.
I notice on my Google toolbar that innocent advertising does not have a pagerank, I would be interested in their comments? Is this relative, an error, insignificant?

Yes !!!!!!!!!! I think you r right,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
with regards,,,

Yes !!!!!!!!!! I think you r right,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
with regards,,,

Think your right about what? From your quoted text, Outrageous claims or no pagerank?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Yes !!!!!!!!!! I think you r right,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
with regards,,,

Not really understanding your post? Please explain.

Innocent Advertising

I think he was replying to/agreeing with, the post above his.


Seems to be 5th its a good result to be honest, most websites will struggle to get within the top 3 results.

more and more companies are seeing a struggle to increase there results



Now 4th

nearly within the top 3, I think it will take allot to knock off #1


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