“I have to say that you were on to a loser from the start with this one, the single most important factor in SEO is the domain name, it pays to choose a domain with SEO in mind. The website you were trying to get to #1 is missing 'uk' and 'business' in the url. To compound the issue, there is already a site at number one that has all of you chosen keywords in it's domain name.
So, keep trying but you'll have a tough job.
I have a work-a-round solution, which I don't think I'll share with you - but I'll have a tinker and if I am number one for the keyphrase "UK business forum" then you can buy me a drink.
I don't think they were on to a loser from the start to be honest. There are many examples where sites with the keywords in the title are out ranked by sites that do not contain any of the keywords.
Also, if you add in the fact that this site and many sites/businesses want to rank for multiple keywords then it is is impossible to have all the keywords you want to rank for in the title. If all you sell is '6 inch coffin nails' and that is all you are interested in ranking for then it would be worth having that as your domain name (though again it is not the be all and end all).
Ranking number 1 for the keywords we looked at was always going to be hard but the point was to show what can be achieved.