Independence Day and not an alien to be seen..

By : Administrator
Published 4th July 2011 |
Read latest comment - 12th July 2011

Ok, so it's that time of year when our former colonial cousins remind us that they booted us out of America (with the help of the French... boo hiss) by having a day off, saluting each other and letting off lots of fireworks.

So happy Independence Day to any US members, and just to let you know you owe us 250 years corporation back tax, I've found a clause that says you forget to sign the transfer papers

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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Someone actually showed me the full text of the Declaration of Independence yesterday.

It's a strange document to read. It begins with a brief summary of why, sometimes, splitting up is the right thing to do. Next are the *incredibly* moving and well-written paragraphs about the "certain unalienable rights" of man, and the right, nay, the *duty* of the populace to overthrow abusive or corrupt governments. Great stuff.

Then it kind of dissolves into a laundry list of complaints about George III and loses all momentum. Especially when one is reading it directly after the full text of the Carolyn Bourne email.


forum avatarJENKY
6th July 2011 2:11 AM
In fourth of July..there are lot of things happened...and the worst thing was I lost my JOB..I hate it...

forum avatarJENKY
9th July 2011 12:34 AM Job again back to zero in my part..I really hate 4th of July for me it is the very worst day in 2011...!! I really pissed with this I have a new adjustment in my part again...

forum avatarRussFarrell
12th July 2011 12:07 PM
I really pissed with this I have a new adjustment in my part again...

Think of it as a fresh start!

What is your new job about?

I am pretty sure the whole thing was invalid and should be revoked.


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