Facebook Timeline

By : Forum Member
Published 5th March 2012 |
Read latest comment - 11th June 2012

Have you moved your facebook pages over to Timeline yet? If you're still getting to grips with it all, here are some useful pointers:

A summary of the new features within Facebook Timeline for Pages | Fusing Creativity

Holborn Direct Mail
020 8683 7155
What do you think of the timeline look?

Hated it at first, but now slowly warming to it

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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forum avatarrobkaier99
14th April 2012 4:53 AM
Facebook time line is very cool feature. It makes the facebook more user interactive than previous.

Facebook timeline is useful as it brings back content that was posted months even years ago and means it doen't just get lost in the ether...


I have come to love the Facebook Timeline. It took me a while to get used to, but I especially liked how you see everything in a sweep. Having a cover page is pretty cool too.


Not a big fan of Timeline myself - and haven't moved my page.


Timeline has change few things but i preferred the previous facebook presentation. Which has more cool then this time line. Similarly i also think that in timeline few things are not shown...


I have come to love the Facebook Timeline. It took me a while to get used to, but I especially liked how you see everything in a sweep. Having a cover page is pretty cool too.

Got to be honest, I'm with you. Took a while, and hated it at first, but now I think it works.

I guess none of us like change....

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

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