Hi Reg,
I totally agree with you, so many people just chug along literally living from pay check to pay check, heavily reliant on credit cards and overdrafts, it only takes a few things to go wrong for the house of cards to come tumbling down.
In the ideal world you would wait until you have thousands in the bank before you quit your day job. I think most business opportunities are not time sensitive so they wont suffer whilst you save money to make the full time jump, but of course if the idea is a right now, once in a life time opportunities its a much harder decision. It comes down to fate, luck and doing you due diligence, fortunes have been won and lost for making the wrong or right decision at the wrong or right time.
“Nothing wrong with testing the waters first:
make money in a small way first to see if there's a demand. You'll also feel a lot better if you have something to fall back on.
It's terrible that people work for years in a job, living from paycheck to paycheck (and racking up debt to buy junk!). Odds are, something will knock you off your perch sooner or later.