What Are You Listening To Now?

By PressureWashing : Growing Business
Published 20th March 2012 | Last comment 22nd December 2017

The new Kasabian album!!! It's AMAZING!!!! I am going to see them in December, my first gig in 5 years. Expensive but I cannot wait. Also I bought the CD and I usually download these days but I wanted to play it on my archaic car stereo that has no Bluetooth. 

Random songs from my itune. Playing right now is Just the Way You Are


I have been listening to the new Foo Fighters album as I am going to see them next June! I was very excited to get tickets!! They are awesome live, I have seen them a couple of times before. Just don't ask how much they were 

Bloody xmas songs 

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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I really really hate Christmas songs!!!

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