Is it right that one child dictates the Rules?

By : Forum Member
Published 19th May 2014 |
Read latest comment - 25th May 2014

I've heard of healthy eating pushes which certain schools ban sweet items in your lunch box, i'm (not surprisingly) actually against the school telling me what my child can & cant eat. Being divorced i only get a limited amount of input in to what they eat anyway and IMHO the odd treat at lunch isnt going to spoil the nutritious home cooked meal i will be providing for him tonight -( its actually not quite so healthy, but its still balanced, gammon steak, mash with peas & sweetcorn and gravy)

But this caught my attention on Friday, but ran out of time to post about it - BBC News - Swindon school bans fish from lunchboxes over allergy fears

I think its wrong that the allergy of one child , dictates the lunch habits of over 400 other pupils. Of course this is neither the parents nor the childs fault but is it fair on the majority?

On the flip side what would the child do school wise if they had turned around and said we can't/won't impose the ban - i'm guessing that the LEA would step in, but not 100% sure.

As a parent i can honestly say i would not expect the school to have done such a thing for either of my 2.


When I was a lad in junior school, if we had salad for dinner we also use to get a portion of peanuts with it. I'm guessing these are now banned in schools too along with pork chops and gammon steaks... I'm guessing if you were stuck on a desert island and the only thing you had to eat you were either allergic to or your man made religious beliefs told you to refrain from eating said product, the question is do you it it or do you starve yourself to death.... I know what I would do, but then I've never gone hungry


Ive only got 2 words to say, but your naughty filter wont let me say them lol


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