Google - The Ministry of Truth?

By : Administrator
Published 3rd July 2014 |
Read latest comment - 4th July 2014

Robert Preston the well known economics editor for the BBC seems to have become a victim to the new European legislation "the right to be forgotten" that Google has to now comply with.

But it appears the actual implementation of it seems a little odd, unless it' teething problems or gremlins?

"This morning the BBC received the following notification from Google:

Notice of removal from Google Search: we regret to inform you that we are no longer able to show the following pages from your website in response to certain searches on European versions of Google:

What it means is that a blog I wrote in 2007 will no longer be findable when searching on Google in Europe.

Which means that to all intents and purposes the article has been removed from the public record, given that Google is the route to information and stories for most people.

So why has Google killed this example of my journalism?" - full story: BBC Website

It's an interesting story, and there's no obvious reason why the article in question has been removed, leading to comments about Big Brother and George Orwell.

So maybe conspiracy theory aficionado's are right and Google is becoming the ministry of truth?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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Was reading about this earlier although will confess - it got technical so i glazed over ..

From what i could extract it appears that the good ol' G gods have spat their dummy and are removing content all over the place in a direct retort to the EU Regulation, although Google themselves deny this.

Think this will rumble on for sometime. 


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