Great story doing the rounds that made me smile, a 5 year old given an invoice for a friends party noshow
The little lad in question was double booked by his folks and went to his grannies, and supposedly the father did look for the friends mother to apologise, but couldn't find her.
According to the news, the childs father has been told he will be taken to the small claims court if he doesn't pay the £15.95 invoice.
What I find amusing is how daft things like this polarise opinion and slide out of control.
Having 2 nippers, I do have sympathy on both sides. It seems every weekend there is a party to go to, sometimes 2 in 1 weekend. We've missed parties we said we'd go to because something else has come up, not deliberately, just the stresses of everyday life. Nine times out of ten there are contact details and you can let someone know and apologise.
With nippers, you can expect 1 or 2 to drop out, being ill, double booked, tantrum etc. I can't imagine ever receiving an invoice, and would wet myself laughing if I did get one.
Some of these kiddie parties are starting to get out of hand and you feel like it's a bit of an arms race for little johnny junior, as well as expensive, when there's no need.
The party in question was being held at a Ski Slope and Snowboard Centre, and the owners have quickly distanced themselves saying this a parental dispute, as they never issue a no show invoice. Even better they are miffed as their name has been cited on the invoice, so it will never get to court anyway.
But anyone with kids knows the golden rule is to try and make your kid fit in, not make your kid standout and paint a big target on them! I wonder how many will turn up to the poor nippers next birthday bash and risk the wrath of mummy from hell.
Do love all the stereotypical media images across various news sites, sad dad and a sad kidde holding up the invoice. Little lad should get an Oscar for his little sad face
As for the mum who sent the invoice, bet she never expected it to pan out like this! Beware dropping a clanger on a slow news day.
Our next party plan is to hire the local community hall, take a stereo, throw a few jam and ham sarnies together, google how to make balloon animals, then have a few rounds of British Bulldog to wear them all out
So what do you think, was it fair to send an invoice or a moment of over reaction?