Tescos wins

By : Administrator
Published 7th April 2015 |
Read latest comment - 8th April 2015

Well we haven't had a Tesco's post for a while and I happened to catch this story on the Beeb. Straight away I thought of our man Clive

"Supermarket giant Tesco has won £1.50 compensation from a customer who spilt a bottle of milk in one of its stores...

The customer "was told to pay £1.50 compensation to Tesco, fined £75, ordered to pay £20 victim surcharge and £85 costs. The money will be deducted from his benefits at £10 a fortnight."

BBC News

If ever a final line set the scene of the story, that one did

Be interesting to know what the back story was, ie why was he having  a row in the first place.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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Not that I am a fan of tesco's or any supermarket for that fact .It is good to see that if a customer does wrong they can't get away with it ... Although don't know why the customer didn't just pay up to begin with IF he/she was at fault.. More than often people just think it is OK to break stuff and move on

Andy-C | Pewter World

Thats one expensive argument!

Oh well - its too late to cry over spilt milk 

No??? - ok i will get my coat ....


lol that's a bit cheesy ,don't you think ...lol well close as I could get


Andy-C | Pewter World


Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

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