Jim Carrey - fair point or losing the plot?

By : Administrator
Published 29th June 2018 |
Read latest comment - 31st July 2018

I've never been his biggest fan, but he did a few funnyish films back in the day. I didn't realise he was into his art and his latest picture has caused a bit of a twitter storm, based on Trumps recent immigration policy.

 Courtesy of Twitter

So is a hero or a villain? Or is it a simple case of it depends if you support or oppose Trump?

For me, it doesn't sit well when you get actors beating the political drum. Maybe they do some good, but he has certainly stirred up a hornets nest which seems to have done nothing but inflame the already polarised camps.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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 Carey for President! Good grief, can you imagine...... 

Many thanks,
Natalie - Your Local Girl Friday

Well they had Arnold Schwarzenegger .Carey is just another step up...Mind you he would probably do a hell of a lot better than the bloke who is in now


Andy-C | Pewter World

Might as well give him a go. At least he's a good pet detective. The current president appears to have no discernible skills. 

Might as well give him a go. At least he's a good pet detective. The current president appears to have no discernible skills. 

Many thanks,
Natalie - Your Local Girl Friday

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