School Holidays

By garde : Forum Member
Published 20th July 2011 | Last comment 7th January 2013
Well the 6/7 week school holidays fast approach and like most parents im now faced with a dilemma on how im going to keep my 2 occupied for the weeks i have them.

School holidays must cost parents and businesses a fortune. How does it affect you and your business? Do you farm them out to family, friends or day centres?

Divorce does have advantages here, im fairly lucky in that my ex and i only have 3 weeks each to cover. Im working from home next week and then im going away for the best part of 2 weeks in August so thats my shift done lol

But if i couldnt work from home next week id be out of pocket running them around to friends/family or stumping up the costs of day time activities!

Anyone know why we have such a long break?

that is not along break here in Kenya we they take one month in April,another one month in August and three months inthe christmas holiday


that is not along break here in Kenya we they take one month in April,another one month in August and three months inthe christmas holiday

Holy moly Roxy, 5 months!! That's a lot of extra child care for any working parents!

Why 3 months at Christmas? Is there traditionally a reason in Kenya for that, or is that common in other African countries?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

eh, its not always that easy, especially when you have a teen with rather expensive tastes. lol. I do work from home, so its not much of an issue with 2 artists that would rather sit around painting or drawing. its just the computer wars that get me most days (which is why there are 3 ) I can understand the need for holidays, don't get me wrong, but when it comes to the school syllabus and teachers saying there is not enough time to cover everything that needs to be done, I start wondering how important those holidays really are.

I come from a place where school holidays are just the same as regular school days. Kids have to attend compulsory tuition during the holidays.


I come from a place where school holidays are just the same as regular school days. Kids have to attend compulsory tuition during the holidays.

Then how can they be called holidays?


I come from a place where school holidays are just the same as regular school days. Kids have to attend compulsory tuition during the holidays.

So the schools close but the kids have to have compulsory tuition? How does that work??

Then how can they be called holidays?

I'm confused as well!?!

Assume South Africa doesn't have 3 months off at xmas

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

ahhh no. They have 6 weeks in December, and then throughout the year they alternate between 10 days, and 3 weeks (recently).


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