Why would you lie?

By Dreamraven : Forum Moderator
Published 26th August 2011 | Last comment 7th December 2011
I read an article a couple of weeks ago that it is human nature to lie/exaggerate the truth

lol I've told you a thousand times before.....

I reckon it's context. In every networking meeting I've been to in the last 5 years, whenever you ask the standard "hows business going" question, not once has someone and come back "terrible, things aren't going well at all". It's always, "great, marvelous, couldn't be better".

That includes the businesses that didn't turn up at the next meeting because they had gone bust

Sorry Dreamraven, prob steered your thread off at a tangent

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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lol naah it's ok. I guess in a way it can be said/asked of any situation. I've noticed that when someone lies about business, its mainly pride, because they don't want you to see them "weak" or see that the business isn't doing as well.

I wouldn't say human nature. It's pretty easy to stick with the truth, but there are days....
I have had really bad days before where I was tempted to bend the truth, just to lessen a little stress, but in the end, its true what they say. It all builds and in the end it all comes out. Best not to be around when it does


Well it depends. Some individuals don't think they are lying unless it is of a certain magnitude. A 'white' lie almost not a lie at all to them at all. Then you have deceit which can be as bad as lying. Some people just like to lie or try to bend things to their will using methods that are not the most honest and consider it fine because somehow its justified in their mind.

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Well it depends. Some individuals don't think they are lying unless it is of a certain magnitude. A 'white' lie almost not a lie at all to them at all. Then you have deceit which can be as bad as lying. Some people just like to lie or try to bend things to their will using methods that are not the most honest and consider it fine because somehow its justified in their mind.

That's always fascinated me though. If you know its wrong, why bother. I just could never get my mind around that.


forum avatarDelly
29th November 2011 6:31 AM
People lie because they are afraid? I think so yeah.

forum avatarmassive
7th December 2011 11:17 AM
Because I am afraid. I lie... thats the truth

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