Why would you lie?

By : Forum Moderator
Published 26th August 2011 |
Read latest comment - 7th December 2011

Was not sure where to add this, but, to what extent would a person go to to lie, and why do they lie? It's not a rant, I'm just trying to figure out why someone would do that.

For instance, why take someone else's art, images, articles etc. and call them their own? And when caught out, they still adamantly refuse to accept that they have been caught out and still try to tell you that the work is in fact theirs?

Is it because they want to be seen as professionals, but don't have the skill to do this, are they nasty enough to make a profit off of someone else's hard work?

I just don't understand it really.....

I think some people do not have a borderline at all - they are oriented towards theselves and what is needed to protect themself is all OK.

Bill Ryan

I can understand that in a way. What really gets me is that sometimes these people believe that what they are doing is right and normal somehow. As if they really believe that they are the original owners or creators.


I'm guessing someone has ripped off your work?

It's infuriating, I'm afraid some people really have no conscious

Is it web based, can you issue a takedown notice to the ISP? Cease and desist?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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I'm sorry if I gave you that impression.

I was recently made a supermod on a forum and I had to deal with one customer that astounded me. They were adamant that they wrote the content, when it was clearly taken from other sites (plural). No matter how much proof I gave them, it made no difference to them because they believed that they wrote the content themselves.

I guess now I can really understand your dislike of copy pasters.


forum avatarGuest
26th August 2011 9:33 AM
There are a lot of people out there who will lie in that way.
I would say mainly they are after attention from other people, they want their own fame as it were. I would say it comes from jealousy mostly, them not having the ability themselves.

I know the feeling with Art, you see so many fantastic artists around on Deviant art for example and it's a real kick in the face when you look at your own and realise it's not good

I'm sorry if I gave you that impression.

I was recently made a supermod on a forum and I had to deal with one customer that astounded me.

Ahhh, with you. In that case, your are the boss, and the delete and ban button is your friend

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

There are a lot of networks on DA that watch the net. They are just about as fed up with art thieves as forum admin might be with copy pasters.

I feel that everytime I log into my own deviant art page, I feel dwarfed by the amount of talent on that site, but I still create my own art pieces. I'd rather learn to do it myself, than take someone else's work and claim it as my own. At least I learn something in the end.

LOL you have no idea how friendly I am with that ban button We're on a first name basis already


Not really sure. There are bound to be a number of reasons for this sort of thing. Some people just want the attention and credit without actually doing the hard work. I don't know how some people can be proud with themselves when they haven't really contributed to the work other than copied and pasted; if they were at least to edit or add something to a piece some possible credit could (debatable) be taken.

They are some people that that don't think that they will be caught out because not that many individuals will know that piece of art, music or whatever if is so it will be easy to mask the work as their own. Last there just seems to be some folks that just really believe that they created something themselves which I don't understand. They may of heard something on the radio and then write a song down the line and really though that they came up with the lyrics when they didn't.

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This happens a lot everywhere, and I have been trying to figure it all out with no real success. I realize that it could be as problematic as spamming. Especially when people use their "content" to spam people.

I don't know, I'm hovering around the feeling that they should all be tarred and feathered, but maybe there really is an underlying factor to why they're doing it all.


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