Why can't SEO's be performance based?

By Sharpink : Forum Regular
Published 14th September 2011 | Last comment 23rd February 2012
Had a phonecall today from an SEO expert today, it went like this... "Hello" "hello" "what's your name?" "why?" "I'm so and so and we've been tracking your website" "Oh why?" "because your not ranking high for certain search terms" "whose search terms?" "ours" "not my search terms but yours?

That's the trouble, it's seen as easy money. These companies are all about having large low skilled script reading sales guys, to try and sucker in as many small businesses as they can. Then it's annual contracts and dubious SEO investigation on your site, and working to keywords they reckon they can optimise, not what you actually need or want. Ask any half technical question and you will get referred to a "consultant". Once you are onboard, its ongoing monthly fees and ropey reports.

But like most industries, there are some good guys out there, and they don't need to cold call, send you spam or rely on annual contracts

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

I think it is harsh to look on the whole industry based on a few people. I could just as well say the same with plumbers and the plumbing industry.

There are good people and bad people in the world. SEO is an easy to fake/claim that you have knowledge and skill.

I personally offer first 3 months contract and then month by month, I dont like tieing people in to a long contract. I do first 3 months as it normally takes 3 months to see some good results (some times quicker), then if they like the results then they can carry on month by month. I have the confidence that they will carry on, and if they don't then either the niche/area they are in isnt profitable enough for them or they are cheap people and always trying to get things as cheap as possible.

I've seen people get to the top and then demand a cheaper rate, because its cheaper to maintain top spot than achieve it. Then they threaten to go elsewhere where people are offering this amazingly cheap deal if they dont get it cheaper. Then when told that they can but then it offers up being able to work with someone else in their niche who wants and needs it they quickly say sorry and that they were just exploring their options.

Now to a big reason why people don't like offering to work on performance base as it is hard to predict, but because they are ultimately scared that at the end of the spell that they won't get paid for all their hard work, time and costs they have had to bear.

I haven't done seo on performance base for this reason but if I had an iron clad contract and knew for 100% that the client would pay and not just run off and disappear, I would be happy to do it. But I would also ask for more this way as the risk is higher so I would expect to get a better ROI.

Hope it helps



I think it is harsh to look on the whole industry based on a few people. I could just as well say the same with plumbers and the plumbing industry.

There are good people and bad people in the world. SEO is an easy to fake/claim that you have knowledge and skill.

I personally offer first 3 months contract and then month by month, I dont like tieing people in to a long contract. I do first 3 months as it normally takes 3 months to see some good results (some times quicker), then if they like the results then they can carry on month by month. I have the confidence that they will carry on, and if they don't then either the niche/area they are in isnt profitable enough for them or they are cheap people and always trying to get things as cheap as possible.

I've seen people get to the top and then demand a cheaper rate, because its cheaper to maintain top spot than achieve it. Then they threaten to go elsewhere where people are offering this amazingly cheap deal if they dont get it cheaper. Then when told that they can but then it offers up being able to work with someone else in their niche who wants and needs it they quickly say sorry and that they were just exploring their options.

Now to a big reason why people don't like offering to work on performance base as it is hard to predict, but because they are ultimately scared that at the end of the spell that they won't get paid for all their hard work, time and costs they have had to bear.

I haven't done seo on performance base for this reason but if I had an iron clad contract and knew for 100% that the client would pay and not just run off and disappear, I would be happy to do it. But I would also ask for more this way as the risk is higher so I would expect to get a better ROI.

Hope it helps


Well unlike SEO gurus/wannabees. The plumbing / heating industry, we have trade bodies, GasSafe for example being the main one, which is overseen by the HSE. If a customer has a complaint about an operative or just wants to have the work inspected then all they need do is contact GasSafe and it will automatically trigger an inspection. If the work is found to be faulty or not to standards the operative will be given 7 days to put it right. If he refuses or is regarded as being dangerous he will be struck off there and then. Also most of the certifications aquired by your plumber will only last him 5 years, then he has to be re-tested and pass otherwise he's out. Anyone found to be working with gas who is not qualified to do so, will be issued with a prohibition notice to stop work, those that continue will be fined heavily usually around the


BBC - Watchdog: Rogue Traders: Express Plumbing Ltd

It happens everywhere.. Thats the point I was trying to make..

The reason your industry is so heavily regulated is because it involves more of health and saftey of other people.

I assume you have been burnt by an SEO company then?


I assume you have been burnt by an SEO company then?

Several actually, the problem is like all things you learn all the time about the scams on the internet. Many will have a nice glossy well presented website, with lots of technical waffle which they've obviously taken say from the likes of Matt Cutts, often refer to him and reconstruct what he has written. Some will name big blue chip companies as clients, when in fact their sole client is a local guy who delivers turf. But it is all industries that are involved in scamming. I personally wont use any business that hide behind the banner of a virtual office, because when things go wrong the virtual office will be of no help whatsoever because they protect the scammer.... We have scammer targeting the plumbing industry at the moment, head office is in the very plush Bond St area of London, promising lots of work to plumbers with a guaranteed 400 jobs a year, they want


Several actually, the problem is like all things you learn all the time about the scams on the internet. Many will have a nice glossy well presented website, with lots of technical waffle which they've obviously taken say from the likes of Matt Cutts, often refer to him and reconstruct what he has written. Some will name big blue chip companies as clients, when in fact their sole client is a local guy who delivers turf. But it is all industries that are involved in scamming. I personally wont use any business that hide behind the banner of a virtual office, because when things go wrong the virtual office will be of no help whatsoever because they protect the scammer.... We have scammer targeting the plumbing industry at the moment, head office is in the very plush Bond St area of London, promising lots of work to plumbers with a guaranteed 400 jobs a year, they want


Can I ask, did you go for big companies or smaller local business for seo?

I went for what I thought was a large company, but web sites are worse than any glossy magazine or television advert for sucking people in and giving misleading information. The one I got involved with made claims on their site that they had major blue chip companies as clients. When they got involved with my site alarm bells starting ringing month one, they refused to correct basic spelling errors and also to show me exactly what they had done for their money. Being that there was no way the blue chip companies would have accepted this standard or work I contacted them. All 3 companies had never heard of them and all their seo work was done in house anyway. Subsequently the seo company no longer make such claims.


you have the best domain possible for you niche.. no offence but if peope really failed doing seo for you then well lets say they should be shot. Great domain

Hmmm apart from purchasing the domain name and having the website built a few years ago, I've never spent spent a penny on it as far as seo goes, where as my other site I have spent thousands on over the last 6 years or so. And even now if I rang up an seo company to take a look at the site, I guarantee the first thing they would say is...... "You need links" my ears just shut down at this point. I've said it before 10 different seo guru's = 10 different opinions. I think the worse seo company I got involved with was based in Scotland I got sucked into paying them nearly


Firstly I kinda guessed that it was large companies. I personally would love to see nothing more than my company grow big and be an industry leader, but realistically I know that if it does happen I would need to employ people and that I wouldn't be able to have a hand on things as I do now. I personally don't like to give out my clients work as proof, I do how ever own my own site that I am currently in the mists of leasing out, I got this for proof.

Hmmm apart from purchasing the domain name and having the website built a few years ago, I've never spent spent a penny on it as far as seo goes, where as my other site I have spent thousands on over the last 6 years or so. And even now if I rang up an seo company to take a look at the site, I guarantee the first thing they would say is...... "You need links" my ears just shut down at this point. I've said it before 10 different seo guru's = 10 different opinions. I think the worse seo company I got involved with was based in Scotland I got sucked into paying them nearly


Hmmm apart from purchasing the domain name and having the website built a few years ago, I've never spent spent a penny on it as far as seo goes

If you are getting converting traffic to this domain, and you're happy with it, then happy days.

But the reality is, if you want it to perform better or for new key word phrases, then it will be as most SEO companies have told you links links links. On page SEO is pretty straight forward, and other than a few pointers, any work will be link building.

Unfortunately, and I share your pain, there is an awful lot of crap out there. The other day I found out a large UK SEO company who advertise as completely UK based, actually buy in bulk, paid links from Asia. I've been burned countless times.

Google says do it naturally, in theory great content is link bait. Its slow, but it works and its 100% free and natural.

But there are good guys out there, and I suspect most are freelancers or 2 man bands. I've used Chris from Innocent SEO who posts on the forum, not used James, but anyone who provides that much help on a forum rather than a one line link dump, is probably worth listening to

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

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