Favourite online gaming

By : Paul Green C.Ht
Published 17th January 2012 |
Read latest comment - 30th November 2012

My fav is MW3 on the wii - Not always the most popular console for online gaming but i think it is virtually hack free compaired to the playstation or xbox.

Name: Gaff (as in Blade Runner)
Lvl: 52

I'm not brilliant but it's a good laugh.

Paul Green
For someone that lives online, never got into online gaming

About the only game I play is Blitzkreig circa 2003, offline versus the computer, albeit modded to an inch of its life. Never seem to get bored of it, was obviously a Panzer commander in a previous life...

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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Can honestly say I've never played any online games


anger bird is my favor online game

I've never played this yet -keep hearing it is good

Paul Green

Never seem to get bored of it, was obviously a Panzer commander in a previous life...

I remember playing the command and conquerer series for a while but I never got to this one. (don't mention ze war)

Paul Green

Can honestly say I've never played any online games

Barney, you got to be the only plumber in the world that does not play online - I mean look at Mario and Luigi

Paul Green

My favourite online game is Fifa 12


My favourite online game is Fifa 12

I have not play Fifa online this season - I dont think the game improved all that much (wii) I got sick of beating Barcelona.

What system you playing on?

Paul Green

I play an online browser game called Ikariam. It's past its best now but has kept me entertained for over 3 years.
Not that I'm addicted to it or anything.


Could anyone suggest me the website to download the game...

Which game? Several have been mentioned.


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