What Are You Listening To Now?

By PressureWashing : Growing Business
Published 20th March 2012 | Last comment 22nd December 2017
Infected Mushroom - psytrance yes, but this is one of there more chilled tracks - Elevation. Soothing this early in the morning. lol

Infected Mushroom - Elevation [HQ] - YouTube


For all you Freddie fans out there, this guy's good

It's ridiculous how much this guy sounds like Freddie. [VIDEO]

I also think the new Muse song sounds so like a Queen song.


I also think the new Muse song sounds so like a Queen song.

I think some of Muse sound a lot like Ultravox/Midge Ure


For some reason the office is currently playing B.I Vs Friendship - Gang Starr / M.O.P

Although it is a nice change from Christmas music in October!


Although it is a nice change from Christmas music in October!

lol it's that time of year, roll on Jan the 1st!

Steve Richardson
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Started listening to a band called My Morning Jacket (mainly cause of seeing them on a episode of Family Guy)

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(mainly cause of seeing them on a episode of Family Guy)

Now thats a TV programme ! - forget your crappy Eastenders!!!!

Was flicking through chanels after Wednesdays double bill of Family Guy & found a new King of the Hill


No Christmas music this side. (Not when I get to decide the music that is lol). My SATA is groaning a little at the mo, but I am searching for something to listen to. it will probably be something like astrix.


I also think the new Muse song sounds so like a Queen song.

Yes, absolutely. When I first heard it, as soon as the guitar solo came in, I thought I was listening to Brian's solo on "I Want to Break Free".

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020 8683 7155

Right now? A mix that my little Bro put together. I love it, and hope you enjoy it too

Led Candy (Led Zeppelin, Whole Lotta Love(70's Top of the Pops Intro)& Candi Staton,U Got the Love) by avit on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free

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020 8683 7155

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