7 Enemies Of Social Media Measurement

By : Administrator
Published 18th July 2012 |
Read latest comment - 23rd January 2013

Great article:

7 Enemies Of Social Media Measurement

My favourite which a lot us are guilty of (or those that even try to monitor their stats!)

If you want to generate meaningless, highly questionable reports that are packed with pretty charts and graphs, then 30 days and a handful of metrics will work just fine...."

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Thanks for sharing this post! Social media has become an integral part of every individual. I am sure that many of the readers will get useful information regarding social media.

Not everyone I'd rather use it for business than look at updates about who needs surgery after breaking a nail. (seriously - Its one of the reasons I don't have personal social media accounts.)


Impatience is a good one, as is "Low Hanging Fruit" - which seems to be what many persons go for.


Thanks Steve, was an interesting read


This is such an informative post. I would love to know more about this this problems and solve it in a way. Social media is spreading all through out and we should get some ideas for this problems.


forum avatarJackD
30th November 2012 8:50 AM
A good post share, Indeed the things mentioned in article are so true.
We knowingly don't care about such things and wonder off track!


Not everyone I'd rather use it for business than look at updates about who needs surgery after breaking a nail. (seriously - Its one of the reasons I don't have personal social media accounts.)

Hit the nail on the head. I do have to say though......why no self hosted domain name ?


Hit the nail on the head. I do have to say though......why no self hosted domain name ?

How so?


Would anyone agree that B2C businesses are more likely to enjoy success from social media marketing campaigns? LinkedIn excluded.


Would anyone agree that B2C businesses are more likely to enjoy success from social media marketing campaigns? LinkedIn excluded.

I've yet to be blown away with commercial success from Social Media in a B2B world, but it's definitely improving, and traffic steadily grows from social media sources. Maybe we are another 3 - 4 years from B2B mainstream social media success, but B2C, although still dependant on the industry, I think has a lot of potential if done as a part of a co-ordinated marketing plan, ie in tandem with other marketing activities and not solely on SM.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

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