Does god hate me?

By : Administrator
Published 16th June 2013 |
Read latest comment - 15th October 2013


Exhibiting all this week at the Trading Standards Annual Conference, as we publically launch their consumer code directory.

As of now, have had a headache and sore throat for 48 hours, a temperature of 38.5c and quite frankly the largest coldsore I have ever seen on my top lip. I look like a poor budget elephant man with a huge cornflake.

To add insult to injury, the nippers are fine so can't even blame them! Back to gargling soluable aspirin and icecold stella, seems to be working

Time to grow an emergency goatee, are they still acceptable?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn
I hope you feel better soon

I was asking myself that question for the last month almost. Been stuck under acute bronchitis and have had more antibiotics in the last month, than I've had ever.

Think you'd have to ask Clive abt the goatee though,


It's not just you sjr4x4! I find these things only happen at the worst possible time. When it rains, it pours as they say...

I think in this case, emergency goatees are fine. If anyone questions it, just claim to be your own evil doppelganger a la Star Trek.

Stay strong and good luck!


God is still hating me, and am still crook, but emergency goatee seems to work

You finally shaken off that bronchitis Sami?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

rofl, given up on even trying lols. People still think its the neighbour's dog barking. Hope you're feeling better though.


God is still hating me, and am still crook...

Doctors note required declaring clean bill of health before returning to the office!

Tut, I dunno, sick-note


i hate those weeks. you've got to get things done, but you feel like doing nothing at all.

hope you feel better soon

CD2 Solutions

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