Scotland Vote Yes or No - Virtual Sweepstake

By : Forum Member
Published 15th April 2014 |
Read latest comment - 19th September 2014

I'm curious, the more people I speak to (here in england), the more people seem to be apathetic about the coming Scottish Vote to decide if they will leave the UK or not.

Do we really not care, or is it just part of our stubborn proud national character 

I think it will be sad for the breakup of the UK, and the arguments are no doubt going to hot up over the coming months, but with some virtual forum money, what would you stake your cash on if you were going to have a flutter?

I'll start, a forum fiver on the Scots voting NO for independance.

Anyone else?


A tenner on NO for me 

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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I'll back the scots for a YES for independance  a fiver


Im half scottish, so its a yes from me 


I'll vote no, on the basis that I can not see what if any are the benefits of them going independent. More to lose than to gain


I say all or nothing. We either stay together as one, or we all separate and England goes alone, no Scotland, Wales, NI. I stay stay together so long way of saying no.


A yes for me



Yes, Scotland goes £5

yes, Northern Ireland goes £5

yes, Wales goes £5

yes the south of England goes £2.50

yorkshire declares independance....priceless 

seriousley I love my county and my country. The union should remain, we are a stronger nation together and I hope our kilt wearing ginger friends see that....

Ray Priestley

when is the actual vote?


when is the actual vote?”

It all kicks off on 18/9/14


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