Constantly changing formats e.g. BBC iplayer!

By : Forum Member
Published 13th August 2014 |
Read latest comment - 27th August 2014

Is it just me or do people like to change things for changing things sake?

everytime I look at iplayer it's changed, it's like when you go into the supermarket in a rush and they have moved everything. It adds valuable time to simple day tasks.



Hi Pubby

moved this to the non business forum 

But know what you mean, I'm struggling to get on with the latest incarnation of BBC's iPlayer. It used to be really straight forward and logical, but I find the layout and structure confusing.

At least it's not just me!

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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Supermarkets keep moving things about to make you search for them, hoping that you will add a few impulse purchases on the way!

Did you know they deliberately keep everyday items at opposite ends of the store too?  

Very rarely use iplayer or catchup TV but agree on the occasions i do its not the best system, although i think that has more to do with the fact i try to access it through my Virgin Media box rather that through a laptop. Dont get me started on the media box 


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