Stunning Star Wars Stamps

By : Forum Member
Published 12th September 2015 |
Read latest comment - 15th September 2015


Whether to post this here or in the direct mail section, I wasn't sure. 

Love them, you will

Holborn Direct Mail
020 8683 7155

They are stunning! I do love Star Wars. Buy them, I must.

have never seen a full movie of star wars yet , was working in a cinema once and got to see that race ,but I had to finish off repairing a till so never saw the whole movie ... Maybe 1 day will watch them all

Andy-C | Pewter World

have never seen a full movie of star wars yet , was working in a cinema once and got to see that race ,but I had to finish off repairing a till so never saw the whole movie ... Maybe 1 day will watch them all”

Whaaaaaat? That's unbelievable!

forum avatarGuest
13th September 2015 9:46 PM
have never seen a full movie of star wars yet , was working in a cinema once and got to see that race ,but I had to finish off repairing a till so never saw the whole movie ... Maybe 1 day will watch them all”

You have not lived Andy. One of the best star wars film is Attack of the clones.

have never seen a full movie of star wars yet , was working in a cinema once and got to see that race ,but I had to finish off repairing a till so never saw the whole movie ... Maybe 1 day will watch them all”

Ok i can admit to not seeing ANY of the remakes. 

Did get taken to the cinema in the 70's & 80's to see the originals, even been to the Sahara Desert where the first one was filmed 

Anyone seen the Family Guy mickey take episodes? They are so good 


forum avatarGuest
14th September 2015 12:38 PM

Anyone seen the Family Guy mickey take episodes? They are so good 

Not actually seen them but heard they are funny from a few others too.

Not actually seen them but heard they are funny from a few others too.

If you aren't a Family Guy regular then ideally watch a few others first otherwise the "in-house" jokes/innuendos won't make sense. Well worth a watch regardless though 


If you aren't a Family Guy regular then ideally watch a few others first otherwise the "in-house" jokes/innuendos won't make sense. Well worth a watch regardless though 

Family guy is hilarious, not seen it in a while but I watched it every night for a good few months when my daughter was a baby as she stayed up feeding until midnight and it was on BBC 3 then! 

How good are these?

Courtesy of Royal Mail

As for Andy and Clive, bahh humbug!

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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