Becoming a Non Smoker

By Sharpink : Forum Regular
Published 29th February 2012 | Last comment 28th March 2020
Wahey, seriously? You going for it

This is going to turn into a reformed smokers forum at this rate lol. Come to MLF and get cured

Next week it's chocolate

HAHAHA nooooooo not chocolate. :P anything but that.


[QUOTE=sjr4x4;28467]Wahey, seriously? This is going to turn into a reformed smokers forum. Come to MLF and get cured

Well so far you have a 100% sucess rate, how many of those snide patch and gum adverts can say that with confidence ?

Not sure how the tag line would appear....
No fuss, no drama,
"no smoke"
just chill at My Local Forum
the easy way to live life......
que sunset, beach and sexy lady!

Ray Priestley

I also stopped about 45 minutes ago. Thank you for showing me that it can be done. It helps me to tell myself that I am going to do this.

Strength in numbers, I am now 4 weeks and 1 day as a non smoker. No regrets and it has (in the most part) been quite easy. The only time I have doubt is when I find an excuse to become stressed, this often involves the wife and I have even asked the question "do you want me to start smoking again?" before listening to just how stupid that sounds!

I will look out for the updates....well done!

Ray Priestley

So pleased for you, Sharpink. Good luck Dreamraven.


Next week it's chocolate

When will it be chewing gum?

Paul Green

The only time I have doubt is when I find an excuse to become stressed, this often involves the wife and I have even asked the question "do you want me to start smoking again?" before listening to just how stupid that sounds!

That does not sound ^stupid^ at all, in fact one of the main reasons people often resist stopping the habit is because they have a fear that they will change, or not be there usual effervescent self.. (as I'm sure Ray appreciates with his roller coaster of a time)

*quite often other people do not want the ^smoker^ to stop either as it may then highlight their weaknesses

**Weaknesses do not exist, only choices, but many clients often refer to weakness as being how they may be looked upon if they cannot also ^change^ smoking, weight loss, nail biting, cussing etc so they can often fan the flames in an attempt to sabotage the efforts of a partner or loved one - (You'd be amazed at some of the stories I could tell you)

The reality is you can only make the decision yourself and for yourself, some people tough it out and 'find a way' to not do whatever it is, sometimes this works sometimes it does not.

For anyone wanting to stop smoking I'd really consider hiring a reputable licensed stop smoking specialist (not just a hypnotist) Hypnosis still has the highest rate of success when it comes to stopping smoking but more importantly the extra training and experience of smoking and all of it's habits, rituals and effects can really make the transition concrete - without having to replace the reactive response with something else (Like chewing gum - you know who you are!) along with and other secondary challenges or tasks that may occur from time to time - "This can be as easy as breathing in and out" - Paul Green Are you listening to me!? - YouTube

Paul Green

When will it be chewing gum?

You can't take away my gum, I wouldn't make it through the day

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

You can't take away my gum, I wouldn't make it through the day

My wine intake has increased, not sure if that's becuase I am not smoking or I am just worried that I will get the new job. Interviews on wednesday 11 April, I have done my research, I know the stats and refreshed my knowledge of current legislation. I will however be buggered if they ask me one simple question...

"do you like working with adolecent kids?"

Positives, less milage (approx 100 miles per week), don't have to pay for parking, I will get essential car users allowance, higher rate petrol allowance, less time in prison, less risky cases, less chance of death..!

Negatives: cllient base, Male aged 10 to 18....oh my good god it's not rocket science I can do this......I stopped smoking so how hard can this be?

Who's worried about 10 year old's anyway?

Ray Priestley

Matt Damon uses Hypnotism to Stop Smoking - YouTube (it's interesting to notice at 0:15 Matt can't even remember how long it has been since he has stopped - that's just how easy it can be)

Paul Green

I will however be buggered if they ask me one simple question...

"do you like working with adolecent kids?"

lol fantastic! I honestly don't know how people do it, but hats off to them, and potentially you

Keep up the no smoking though, still waiting for an update from Dreamraven, need to know if she made it past 45 mins

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

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