“What are the percentage of fake reviews on this site?
Free Index use a good system whereby if a review is submitted by the same IP number as the business owner it is highlighted for the reader to see that it might possibly be a fake review...
We prob delete about 40% of all reviews at the moderation stage, ie obvious self promo, fake, or slander, competitor slagging off the opposition etc. Reviews are prob the biggest overhead we have. It's a fine line, we're not the internet police, but you need to have a fair system, for positive or negative. Most of our time is taken up dealing with negative review complaints.
All reviews have to have a verified email just to get to the moderation stage, but this can be spoofed by throw away addresses. I like the Freeindex method of flagging reviews left by the same IP, but in reality a lot of businesses are uploading customer testimonials they have received. I don't think there is anything wrong with this, which is why we didn't go with the freeindex alert model.
That said, after rebuilding our review system from scratch last year, it's 100% better than before, but theres always room for improvement, and I'm working on a new review system that is designed completely differently but is proving a challenge to get working.