Pepsi or coke

By : Growing Business
Published 15th December 2012 |
Read latest comment - 18th December 2012

oh yes I know these two colas have too much sugar and one sure recipe of diabetes, but I still can't resist a bottle of cold coke. Let me know you thoughts on this one.

Diet Coke ... when I'm allowed it

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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I've prefer coke myself, it always seems to taste better in the small glass bottle, not sure why that is though. Guessing it has something to do with the plastic bottles transferring its taste into the liquid, always seems to be flatter in a plastic bottle.


forum avatarrachaelcollins01
18th December 2012 9:20 AM
Pepsi may be!!1


Neither any more !

Plays havoc with my reflux


Coke-a-cola, but only if its ice cold and comes with ice in my glass. But I drink this rarely now. I'm more prone to drinking ice tea.


Coke is the best soft drink for me ever. I don't like the taste of Pepsi and coke have very best taste.

Marry martin

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