Finally, a car that can get me home from the pub!

By : Administrator
Published 2nd October 2013 |
Read latest comment - 12th May 2014

Mercedes have announced that they will be flogging fully self driving cars by 2020!

...Our approach is, let

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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At least I'll be able to gesticulate with 2 hands when I have a bit of road rage coming on... somehow I feel new driving rules will come into force when this comes out


imaging if the gps goes wrong...... youll wake up half way across the country, and it wont even be because of the booze.

CD2 Solutions

imaging if the gps goes wrong...... youll wake up half way across the country, and it wont even be because of the booze.

Depends if the car is running on environmentally friendly alcohol.


If this type of technology enters into the market then the risk of damage to our lives also increase. We cannot totally rely on the machine. But still it seems to be an interesting news lets see and wait for 2020.


I agree, with this technology comes a whole number of different problems, but it is very interesting to see how things will progress.

Hudson Reed

That is so crazy! Oddly enough the hubby and I were talking the other day about when we were in grade school and teachers would tell us that by 2020 cars would be flying! I kind of doubt that will happen anytime soon.


And if it is Windows, let's hope it's not a Vista-alike!!


That is so crazy! Oddly enough the hubby and I were talking the other day about when we were in grade school and teachers would tell us that by 2020 cars would be flying! I kind of doubt that will happen anytime soon.

Guess again, they're already here... albeit in the early stages...

Where we are going, we don't need roads... | Terrafugia

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Wow! Yes, I must admit that I did miss those. Sadly, I fear that a flying car will not be in our budget anytime soon. They would probably be a lot of fun though!


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