oldie but classic

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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you know that made my morning go a little faster,
can't feel sorry for the guy, it's just highly comical being scammed by Ali G & Craig Charles haha;3.


Never seen that before - that is excellent!


finally got round to reading this - took me a few sittings to get through it - my kind of justice lol


That was totally insane!


forum avatarBarbara Taylor
8th January 2011 5:44 PM
I loved this, it is so good to get these people at their own game.

forum avatarzerodegreesit
12th January 2011 2:23 PM
Wow that is a lot of effort to put into conning a conman. I read also of one of these where the woman got money out of the spammer herself!

forum avatarDaveScotford
19th January 2011 12:57 AM

Never seen that before but it's brilliant. Would love to have seen his face at the point he realized he was getting nothing even after having a tattoo!!

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