Google +1

By Bill Ryan : Growing Business
Published 22nd August 2011 | Last comment 3rd August 2012
Hello Harry

I have just +1'd the button on your site as well, by linking from your local page.

+1's on your site is of the most benefit, but do you have a google+ page that allows people to follow you as well? Hopefully you should see from my link, an "Add to circles" or "Follow" button just to the left of our logo.

Holborn Direct Mail
020 8683 7155

Button is now on site.

Karma increased...

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Hdm, I can't seem to get my google+ page up and running ( in regards to people being able to follow me), but I'll have another look over the weekend. Thanks once again for everyone who has +1ed.

Harry Robins

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