Favourite Movies?

By PressureWashing : Growing Business
Published 29th March 2012 | Last comment 27th September 2013
We are all learning piano and the red dots are the key notes on labels - part cheating part essential to learning a sheet of music without losing my mind - number one Son goes walking round the house going "CC CD C CD CCD" to the sound of Star Wars Imperial March. it's a funny thing -

In the video i'm playing mostly from memory, it would be better to be able to play from the sheet while reading the music, I can do that but I play like someone talking with a stutter, this way I get to enjoy playing the music (to a fashion) and not get too caught up in the detail - a bit like home cooking V's restaurant cuisine my piano playing is like home cooking, for me anyway.. Lucky for us the neighbour wears two hearing aids..

Paul Green

...Lucky for us the neighbour wears two hearing aids..

Or he does now

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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Mission Impossible
Fast and Furious
Behind enemy lines


Got to say I'm slightly surprised about a few films in the list.

Here are my favourites of all time, don't think they've been mentioned so far (I did take a good look. Here they are:

Usual Suspects - For me this is the film that really started up the trend of really big twists at the end of the film. Altogether one of the best films I have ever seen. Great performances from a massive variety of well known actors. Great pace, and best of all the film doesn't over twist! Its still easy to follow. For me its the film that really put Kevin Spacey on the map for me.

Good Will Hunting - What more can I say, just a good all-round film

Austin Powers - Nothing better than a good movie to cheer you up

GoodFellas - One of the best Gangsta movies of all time, very long film. Gets a little dry towards the end. The film gave me one of my favorite quotes ever. "One day some kids from the local neighbourhood carried my Moms groceries all the way home, you know why it was outta respect". Not a prefect quote but you get the jist !!!

Matrix- Sorry but yes, it was great !!!

Hope I've helped !!!


GoodFellas - One of the best Gangsta movies of all time, very long film. Gets a little dry towards the end. The film gave me one of my favorite quotes ever. "One day some kids from the local neighbourhood carried my Moms groceries all the way home, you know why it was outta respect". Not a prefect quote but you get the jist !!!

Matrix- Sorry but yes, it was great !!!

Goodfellas is a top film, but more of a Godfather bloke personally, but Matrix was a cracker. Saw it recently, and I think it's already starting to look a little dated, guess that's the reality with modern CGI films

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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Hi Steve,

You must be a man of Stamina, believe it or not I haven't made it to the end of a Godfather film without falling asleep. I've tried but I just cant do it, they are epically long.

Also the crazy thing about the first matrix film is that for me it wasn't so much about special effects. It was more about the amazing concept behind the film. Without going to deep I believe that lots of people live in a bubble, they choose to live a fake beautiful plastic life instead of embracing reality warts and all, and of course the system is the the government and the general establishment, who want to keep people inside this bubble consuming products they don't actually need, and "Living the dream".

Quick disclaimer, despite the above I am not a anarchist . I believe we need a goverment etc etc. I just like the concept of the film alot

Goodfellas is a top film, but more of a Godfather bloke personally, but Matrix was a cracker. Saw it recently, and I think it's already starting to look a little dated, guess that's the reality with modern CGI films


Hi Steve,

You must be a man of Stamina, believe it or not I haven't made it to the end of a Godfather film without falling asleep.

lol, you do have to be in the mood

...I am not a anarchist

Cause I wanna be... Anarchy

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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Anime/ Manga is very often overlooked.

I think two of the best films ever made are:

Ghost in the Shell



I've been waiting many a year for a film version of Akira, saying that the film version of DragonBall Z was one of the worst movies ever made.


Fight Club.


Fight Club.

But do you know the rules?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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